[NorCAN] Starhawk visit - topic social permaculturre

SusanGSMcGee at aol.com SusanGSMcGee at aol.com
Tue Jan 14 10:23:46 PST 2014

Dear colleagues, I’m  eliciting your help to bring Starhawk to campus on 
March 24th in the  evening at the KBR from 5:30 – 7:30.  Topic: social 
permacultur)  I  need to raise money to do it. . I’m having an organizing meeting 
at my house in  Eureka tomorrow night Wed. at 6:0 p.m. If you or any or your 
colleagues wish to  attend please email me at _SusanGSMcGee at aol.com_ 
(mailto:SusanGSMcGee at aol.com)  or call me at  601-6042. Please forward this. 
Starhawk is a well known progressive activist in  the areas of  the environment,  
globalization, feminism, permaculture, and earth based spirituality. See 
below  for more information. She has numerous essays on the web. On her website 
 are chapters from the Empowerment Manual  which is about working in groups 
and group dynamics. 
Starhawk is one of  the most respected voices in modern earth-based 
spirituality. She is also  well-known as a global justice activist and organizer, 
whose work and writings  have inspired many to action. She is the author or 
coauthor of twelve books,  including The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the 
Ancient Religion of the Great  Goddess, long considered the essential text for 
the Neo-Pagan movement, and the  now-classic ecotopian novel The Fifth Sacred 
The Fifth Sacred  Thing is being made into a movie. The screenplay has been 
written and Olympia  Dukakis has signed on to play Maya. 
Starhawk's newest book is The  Empowerment Manual: A Guide for 
Collaborative Groups, published November  2011, from New Society Publishers. 
Starhawk identifies  as bisexual and as disabled due to deafness in one 
Her works have been  translated into Spanish, French, German, Danish, 
Dutch, Italian, Portuguese,  Polish, Czech, Greek, Japanese, and Burmese. Her 
essays are reprinted across the  world, and have been included in numerous 
anthologies. Starhawk's writing is  influential and has been quoted by hundreds 
of other authors, turning up in  magazines, trade and academic press, and 
even inspirational calendars. Her books  are often found in college 
curriculums. The Spiral Dance has been continuously  in-print for thirty years and 
revised twice; in 1999 HarperSanFrancisco  published the Twentieth Anniversary 
Edition. Truth or Dare: Encounters with  Power, Authority, and Mystery won 
the Media Alliance Meritorious Achievement  Award for nonfiction in 1988. 
Starhawk's first novel, The Fifth Sacred Thing,  won the Lambda award for best 
Gay and Lesbian Science Fiction in 1994.  Many of Starhawk's best political  
essays—credited with helping the global justice movement find and define  
itself—were collected into her book Webs of Power: Notes from the Global  
Uprising. At the Book Expo America, Webs of Power won a 2003 Nautilus Award 
from  the trade association NAPRA. Her first picture book for children, The 
Last Wild  Witch, won a silver Nautilus from NAPRA in 2010. 
Starhawk is perhaps  best known as an articulate pioneer in the revival of 
earth-based spirituality  and Goddess religion. She is a cofounder of 
Reclaiming, an activist branch of  modern Pagan religion, and continues to work 
closely with the Reclaiming  community (www.reclaiming.org). Her archives are 
maintained at the Graduate  Theological Union library in Berkeley, 
She is a panelist  for the Newsweek/Washington Post website on religion, 
"On Faith," and also  contributes to Beliefnet and ZNet, as well as 
maintaining her own blog, "Dirt  Worship" www.starhawksblog.org. Her Facebook page is  
In the late '80s she  consulted on and co-wrote the popular trio of films 
known as the Women's  Spirituality series, directed by Donna Read for the 
National Film Board of  Canada: Goddess Remembered, The Burning Times, and Full 
Circle. The trilogy was  in the top ten of sales and rentals for the Film 
Board for over a decade.  Starhawk and Donna Read formed their own film 
company, Belili Productions  (http://belili.org), to make documentaries on women 
and the earth. Their first  release is Signs Out of Time (2004), a 
documentary on the life of archaeologist  Marija Gimbutas, the scholar who made major 
discoveries about the Goddess  cultures of Old Europe. Starhawk and Donna’s 
second documentary, Permaculture:  The Growing Edge, came out in 2010. 
Starhawk has also made several short  documentaries which can be found on 
YouTube: "The Spiral Dance Ritual,"  "Reclaiming’s Spiral Dance: Three Decades of 
Magic," "Permaculture in the City,"  and "Permaculture Principles at Work." 
Starhawk is a  veteran of progressive movements, from anti-war to 
anti-nukes, and is deeply  committed to bringing the techniques and creative power of 
spirituality to  political activism. 
She is a founder of  Earth Activist Trainings (EAT): intensive seminars 
that combine permaculture  design, political organizing, and earth-based 
spirituality  (www.earthactivisttraining.org). Together with Penny 
Livingston-Stark, Erik  Ohlsen, and others, she co-teaches EAT courses in the U.S., Canada, 
and Europe.  With over ten years of experience in permaculture design and 
teaching, she has  pioneered the application of permaculture principles to 
social organizations,  policy and strategy. Since its first course in May of 
2001, Earth Activist  Trainings has graduated over 600 students who now 
shepherd projects that range  from community power-down strategies in Iowa City 
to water catchment programs in  Bolivia, from inner city gardens in San 
Francisco to women’s programs in the  West Bank of Palestine. Starhawk’s own 
expertise is in the communication of  ecological systems thinking through 
images, writing, and innovative teaching  techniques. 
Starhawk has  recorded several tapes and CDs; most recently "Wicca for 
Beginners" (2002),  "Wiccan Rituals and Blessings" (2003), and a four-CD set 
"Earth Magic" (2006),  all produced by Sounds True. A songwriter on occasion, 
quite a few of her songs  and chants turn up in rituals across the globe; 
they are included in songbooks  and hymnals, covered by other artists, and 
recorded by the Reclaiming musical  community. 
She holds a B.A. in  Fine Arts from U.C.L.A. In 1973, as a graduate student 
in Film at U.C.L.A,  Starhawk won the prestigious Samuel Goldwyn Creative 
Writing Award. She received  an M.A. in psychology with a concentration in 
feminist therapy from Antioch  University West in 1982. She has taught in 
several Bay Area colleges and  universities, including John F. Kennedy 
University, Antioch West, the Institute  of Culture and Creation Spirituality at Holy 
Names College, and Wisdom  University. She is presently adjunct faculty at 
the California Institute of  Integral Studies.  
Starhawk travels  internationally teaching magic, the tools of ritual, and 
the skills of activism.  She lives part-time San Francisco, in a collective 
house with her partner and  friends, and part-time in a little hut in the 
woods in western Sonoma County,  California, where she practices permaculture 
in her extensive gardens, and  writes.  
Starhawk was born on  June 17, 1951. 
Bibliography:  Starhawk's Books and Novels: 
The Spiral Dance: A  Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess. 
San Francisco,  HarperSanFrancisco, 1979, 1989, and 1999 editions. German, 
Danish, Portuguese,  Japanese, Italian, Spanish, and Greek editions. 
Dreaming the Dark:  Magic, Sex, and Politics. Boston, Beacon, 1982, 1988, 
1997 editions. French and  German editions. 
Truth or Dare:  Encounters with Power, Authority, and Mystery. San 
Francisco,  HarperSanFrancisco,1988. German edition.  
The Fifth Sacred  Thing (novel). New York, Bantam, 1993. German, Italian, 
Polish, and Portuguese  editions. 
Walking to Mercury  (novel). New York, Bantam, 1997. 
The Pagan Book of  Living and Dying, cowritten with M. Macha NightMare and 
the Reclaiming  Collective. San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco, 1997. Czech  
Circle Round:  Raising Children in the Goddess Tradition.  Cowritten with 
Anne Hill and Diane Baker. Illustrated by Sara Ceres  Boore.  New York, 
Bantam,  1998. 
The Twelve Wild  Swans: A Journey to the Realm of Magic, Healing, and 
Action, cowritten with  Hilary Valentine. San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco, 
2000. Dutch, Spanish, and  German editions. 
Webs of Power: Notes  from the Global Uprising. Victoria, Canada; New 
Society Publishers, 2002. Essays  translated into Burmese, French, and Italian. 
The Earth Path:  Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature. San 
Francisco,  HarperSanFrancisco, 2004. Italian edition.  
The Last Wild Witch.  Illustrated by Lindy Kehoe. Portland, Oregon: Mother 
Tongue Ink. 2009. Adapted  into a stage musical for children's ensemble, 
The Empowerment  Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups. Victoria, 
Canada; New Society  Publishers, November 2011. 
The  Empowerment Manual:
A Guide for Collaborative Groups 
by  Starhawk

FREE  bonus chapter
The  Five-Fold Path of Productive Meetings 
Starhawk's gift to you is  this out-take from her latest book. 
_DOWNLOAD IT  HERE_ (http://starhawk.org/Empowerment_Five-Fold-Path.pdf)  

It  happens over and over again—a group of people come together, fired up 
with  passion to create change. They begin with huge inspiration and 
enthusiasm—and a  year later, it’s all foundered in the mire of conflict. We could 
have changed  the world ten times over—if we didn’t have to do it together 
with other people,  those irritating, self-righteous, controlling, 
fluff-brained, clueless idiots  who are our friends and allies.

We can do better. In her twelfth  book, The  Empowerment Manual: A Guide f
or Collaborative Groups, Starhawk  draws on four decades of experience in 
circles and collectives to show us how to  foster connection, clear 
communication, and positive power in ourselves and our  groups.

The  Empowerment Manual is  required reading for anyone who wants to help 
their group avoid disagreement and  disillusionment and become a wellspring 
of creativity and  innovation.

The  Empowerment Manual is  now in bookstores, or you can order online from:
• 100 Fires, our independent,  and highly recommended, online bookseller: 
_100 Fires_ 
•  New Society Publishers: 
_www.newsociety.com/Books/E/The-Empowerment-Manual_ (http://www.newsociety.com/Books/E/The-Empowerment-Manual)  
• _Amazon.com_ 

Yes, there are  now e-reader versions  of The  Empowerment Manual.  Check 
the New Society Publishers page, above, or wherever ebooks are sold. A  .pdf 
downloadable version is available from _BooksOnBoard._ 

Starhawk  Online: 

Starhawk's  personal blog:
Get  the latest dirt. Visit "Dirt  Worship," Starhawk's  writings and 
musings about the intersections of permaculture, earth-based  spirituality, and 
activism. Take a look at_www.starhawksblog.org_ 
(http://www.starhawksblog.org/)  and  join the conversation. 

Starhawk  is on Facebook
You  can become a fan and comment 
at_www.facebook.com/pages/Starhawk/165408987031_ (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Starhawk/165408987031) 

Starhawk  is on Twitter
You  can follow her posts via _twitter.com/Starhawk17_ 

On  Faith blog 
Starhawk  is a panelist for a website devoted to religion, run byNewsweek 
and  the Washington  Post. She  responds to questions posed by these 
journalists and participates in interfaith  dialogue. Let mainstream media know that 
there’s interest in the Goddess! Go  to:

Utne  Reader's Visionaries blog
Starhawk  is blogging for the _Utne  Reader_ 
(http://www.utne.com/blogs/blog.aspx?blogid=2147484011&tag=Starhawk) . In 1995 she was named an Utne 
Visionary, one of the  "people who are changing the world." 

new  free video: "Permaculture and the Sacred" 
Starhawk  gave a talk at Harvard Divinity School in early March, 2013, on 
"Permaculture  and the Sacred." _Watch the  video_ 

P.S. I am recovering from a reverse shoulder replacement.  Please excuse 
the brevity and the typos.

Susan G. S.  McGee


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