Jade Dragon Medical SpaAcupuncture works to restore the body back to health by stimulating specific points along the meridians allowing the free flow of qi through the body. Along with needles, Chinese massage, cupping, guasha, and moxibustion are also used to stimulate the acupuncture points.
American Foot Comfort CenterShoes fit by clinician on an individual basis. Medicare compliant, Pedorthic Facility Accreditation. Consultations available during regular business hours.
Essential Light EnergeticsProviding Humboldt County with natural health care including: quantum biofeedback, dynamic light therapy, nutritional consultations, chi nei tsang (Chinese abdominal massage), & aromatherapy.
Humboldt County Red CrossA non-profit organization offering CPR and First Aid classes, disaster relief services and aid to military personnel.
City Ambulance of Eureka, Inc.City Ambulance of Eureka, Inc. (dba Fortuna Rescue Ambulance, Garberville Ambulance, CAE Transport, Humboldt Dial-A-Ride, and City Cab) is a private family-owned company that has been providing ambulance and transportation services in Humboldt County for over 40 years.
Broadway MedicalHome medical equipment sales and service. Eureka.
Satori WellnessWe are McKinleyville's 1st and only adult use and medical dispensary serving the needs of those 21 and over with many local and exciting products to choose from. Enlighten your path to wellness with Satori Wellness!
North Coast Association of Mental Health ProvidersFormed to help mental health professionals work on the development and maintenance of the best possible standards and practices guidelines for our region.